Category: Gear
A good camping trip requires reliable, hard-wearing gear. If you’re a travelling newbie and you don’t know where to start, we can help out with our guides. We’ll teach you how to find the best instant tents for quick and easy set-up, how to find the best double sleeping bags to keep you warm and comfortable at night, and many more useful guides.
If you’re more experienced, but you’re looking for something specific, we can help you out too. You’ll find everything you might be looking for, including tents, coolers, footwear (including work boots), heaters, stoves, watches, and water bottles in our in-depth guides, which highlight the best products in each category – helping you to narrow down your search for your next bit of essential camping gear.
See the specs for each product, their main features, and their pros and cons. We also give you tips on how to find the best item you’re looking for, so you can figure out which product works best for you. Our articles cover a variety of different types of products, for different budgets. We also compare products head-to-head (like in our Hydro Flask vs Swell comparison), so if you’re torn between two products, we’ll give you our honest opinion on which is best.
Whether you’re a solo traveller working on a super-tight budget, or you’re a family looking for top-of-the-line gear for your next trip, we should be able to find you something that suits you perfectly.